THE LORA STUDIO - Your Design Partner

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5 Unconventional Illustration and Photo Stock Websites

One of the most rewarding moments when we start working on a new digital project is certainly the “Inspiration Phase” that we really hope will never come to an end.

When we are working at the new website’s design and development, when we want to start playing around with colours in order to identify our color palette or our unique font choice..or simply if we want to work at the visual identity we want to identify with, we can definitely not only rely on Instagram, Pinterest and Tumblr, but also on on some other definitely less known and more “indie” platforms.


It’s a platform that truly celebrates the creative talent of those who are capable of visually transforming an idea. The contents are updated daily and they’re divided by different categories. The search can be done by concept or by color code.

There is also a Premium version that offers $ 5 per month of exclusive discount and access to visions moods.


An infinite scroll of images with a particular eye on packaging and fonts. The search experience is somewhat limited as there is no search function but the site is simply a pleasure to the eye. So you could easily find yourself scrolling for hours and hours.


Here you can recognize the talent and commitment of the best web designers but you can also find plenty of ideas that will inspire you if you want to emulate the best websites in the world.

"Always in discussion, always evolving" says their bio.


They claim to be “an inspiration resource showcasing totally rocking websites made by people from all the over the world” and also “a curated showcase of shit-hot web design with a less-is-more bent” and they can't be blamed. Surely the site offers a minimal approach and this highlights the real protagonists who are the websites from which to take inspiration, which are constantly updated. Certainly a rich selection if you are looking for some inspiration and less complicated than awwwards which instead shows only the websites awarded for design, creativity and innovation worldwide.


Although this site was created to connect professional designers with potential clients (and vice versa), you can really take a lot of inspiration from the “discover” session which can be filtered by categories and sectors. Totally approved!